Junction Boxes are used for terminating the anode and cathode cables and for connecting them with main positive and negative cables coming from the DC source unit. Junction Boxes can be provided with a shunt to measure the output current of each anode and cathode or group of them and also with a variable resistor for adjusting individual output current of each circuit.

Compensating Current Limitation Unit
On long distance pipeline routes several pipelines are often running parallel in one pipeline corridor which is cathodically protected by one common CP-unit having individual cathode cable connections for every pipeline.

Anode and Cathode Junction Box
Junction Boxes are used for terminating the anode and cathode cables and for connecting them with main positive and negative cables coming from the DC source unit. Junction Boxes can be provided with a shunt to measure the output current of each anode and cathode

Test Stations & Markers
Permanent Test Stations are Provided at selected locations along the protected structure to check, monitor and control the performance of Cathodic protections. Special production according to different requirement for Cathodic protection projects to meet client specifications is also possible.