Pin Brazing
Pin Brazing is used to ensure a safe electrical connection to different types of steel structure. It is primarily designed for the occasional user who needs a simple, rugged and low cost machine. This method is well suited for joints between pipes, connection to measuring cables, installation of sacrificial anodes, test posts and many other applications.
The Pin Brazing unit
۱) Brazing Gun
۲) Battery Unit
۳) Battery
۴) Battery Charger
۵) Earth Device

Special Benefits
- Minimum thermal effect on the steel, because of low melting of solder & short heating time.
- Applying this method under wind, rain and cold conditions.
- Being safe for Pin Brazing operators.
- Easy to use because of the automated nature of the process.
- Fast installation and performance.
- Versatile by portable nature of the equipment.

Cable lugs for pinbrazing
Cable lugs for pinbrazing and pinbraze to cable
Fixing clamps
Press tools