SDP’s Products
Sepehr Danesh Pooya Co. is capable of constructing and producing all the components of cathodic protection systems

Remote Monitoring and Control
enables the remote supervision of separated technical systems with the help of the communication technology.

Sacrificial Anodes
Sacrificial Anodes are highly active metals that are used to prevent a less active material surface from corroding

Impressed Current Anodes
(ICCP) is a type of system usually applied where there are elevated current requirements for protection against corrosion.

Transformer Rectifiers
The transformer rectifier is supplied complete with bolted type base frame and fixing bolts for plinth mounting. The outdoor control cabinets are normally provided with sunshade.

Solar Systems
While it is not profitable to use electricity network for supplying electricity for Cathodict protection system because of the cost of elactricity transfer; this product can provide electricity at fair price .

Junction Boxes are used for terminating the anode and cathode cables and for connecting them with main positive and negative cables coming from the DC source unit.

Cables and Connections
Our range covers the most common only used cables, with copper or Aluminum conductors and combination of PVC, XLPE, PE, HMWPE and PVDF insulation

Insulations and Earthings
Insulations and Earthings; The isolating spark gaps are used for conductive system parts which cannot be interconnected directly in safe or hazardous zones.

Reference electrode
The high stability of the electrode potential is usually reached by employing a redox system with constant concentrations of each participants of the redox reaction

Measuring Equipments
MODATA, a computer-aided measuring system, has been developed to integrate the function and capability of several instruments used in the field of Cathodic corrosion protection in one instrument only.